Make a difference

Ways you can help us financially:

Club 52:

This is for individuals who want to contribute on a regular basis monthly.

The donations go to our ongoing operating expenses and the amount pledged each month is determined by you.

Contact us at if you are interested in becoming a member.

As a non-profit Christian organization Canaan Acres depends on your generosity to keep our ministries going.

Not only do we host summer camps we also do the following:

  • Provide scholarships for many of our students

  • We host local churches and organizations for events

  • Host enrichment activities for school groups

  • We support other non-profits when they are in need

  • House missionaries on furlough at no charge

    Your financial help is necessary to continue to do the work that the Lord is doing here in Louisville, Ohio and and the surrounding areas.

There are several ways you can participate in that work and they are listed on this page.

Thank you, and God Bless!

Sponsor a Cabin

You can give a yearly donation and sponsor a cabin to keep up with ongoing maintenance and upkeep.

Go to this page to see what cabins are available and how to move forward with this option.

Special Projects & General Fund

You can also contribute to a special project that is listed or to the General Fund, which will help offset the operating expenses of the camp.